
Spring 2025 Courses
Course Number Description Credit Hours Dates Details
BIOL-T 570 Evolution 3.00
BIOL-T 582 Advanced Field Zoology 3.00
BUS-B XXX A business course 3.00
CHEM-T 510 Inorganic Chemistry 3.00
CMCL-C 545 Pedagogy in Communication & Culture (Topic: SECOND Eight Weeks) 3.00
EDUC-H 520 Education and Social Issues 3.00
EDUC-J 500 Instruction in the Context of Curriculum 3.00
EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools (Topic: SECOND EIGHT WEEK COURSE) 3.00
EDUC-P 507 Assessment in Schools 3.00
EDUC-Y 520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry 3.00
EDUC-Y 520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry 3.00
ENG-D 600 History of the English Language 4.00
ENG-L 503 Teaching Literature in College 4.00
ENG-L 553 Studies in Literature (Topic: Identity & Belonging in the International Short Story) 4.00
ENG-L 625 Readings in Shakespeare 4.00
ENG-L 646 Readings in Media, Literature, and Culture 3.00
ENG-L 660 Studies in British and American Literature 4.00
ENG-W 509 Introduction to Writing and Literacy Studies 4.00
ENG-W 511 Writing Fiction 4.00
ENG-W 602 Contemporary Theories in Rhetoric & Composition 3.00
FRIT-F 578 Contrastive Study of French and English (Topic: Meets Online - Tues & Thurs 3:55 PM–5:10 PM, Eastern ) 3.00
FRIT-F 603 History of the French Language I (Topic: Meets online - Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:55 PM–5:10 PM) 3.00
GER-T 510 Approaches to German Teaching (Topic: Meeting times: Tuesdays 6:45 PM–9:00 PM online) 3.00
HIST-T 510 Historical Methodology 3.00
HIST-T 530 Early America, 1400-1800 3.00
HIST-T 531 European History (Topic: MA Only, not for MAT/certificate students) 3.00
HIST-T 540 The Long Nineteenth Century, 1800-1917 3.00
HIST-T 541 Latin American History (Topic: MA Only, not for MAT/certificate) 3.00
HIST-T 550 Modern United States, 1917-Present 3.00
HIST-T 551 Asian History (Topic: MA Only, not for MAT/certificate) 3.00
HIST-T 590 Research Seminar in History 3.00
LBST-D 503 Science Seminar 3.00
LBST-D 510 Intro to Graduate Liberal Studies 3.00
LBST-D 512 Social Sciences Elective 3.00
MATH-T 601 Topics in Algebra (Topic: Survey of Algebra) 3.00
MATH-T 610 Topics in Analysis (Topic: Real Variables) 3.00
MATH-T 640 Topics in Applications (Topic: Numerical Analysis II) 3.00
POLS-Y 508 Topics in World Politics (Topic: MA ONLY, not for MAT or certificate) 3.00
POLS-Y 529 National Political Institutions (Topic: MA ONLY, not for MAT or certificate) 3.00
POLS-Y 567 Public Opinion: Approaches and Issues 3.00
POLS-Y 600 Capstone in Political Science (Topic: MA ONLY, not for MAT or certificate) 3.00
POLS-Y 675 Political Philosophy 3.00
SPAN-T 520 Spanish Writing and Grammar 3.00
SPAN-T 550 Hispanic Studies (Topic: TBA) 3.00
SPCH-S 627 Studies in Cross-Cultural Communication 3.00

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